JFK: Timeline of events from 12:00-1:22pm

29 May

Richard Charnin
May 29, 2015

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The following is a summary timeline of events surrounding the JFK assassination compiled by Richard Hocking:

12:00: Eddie Piper sees Oswald on the 1st floor of the TSBD.
12:00–12:10: (estimated) Bonnie Ray Williams goes to 6th floor to eat lunch (sees and hears no one).

12:12: Carolyn Arnold sees Oswald a few minutes before 12:15 in the hallway on the first floor between the front and double doors 

12:15–12:25: Carolyn Arnold sees Oswald in the 1st floor Lunch Room (Domino Room)

12:15: Arnold Rowland sees a man with a rifle on the 6th floor West Window (slender, dark hair, light shirt open at neck); another man was “colored” hanging out of East corner window)

12:15– 12:20: BRW takes elevator from 6th to 5th floor leaving Dr.Pepper bottle and partially eaten chicken behind (?) (sees and hears no one)

12:18: Howard Brennan sees man on 6th floor (no rifle visible at this time). (w/m, early30’s, slender, 165-75, light clothing)

12:20-12:25: Carolyn Arnold looks through glass door and sees Oswald inside on 1st floor near front of TSBD

12:26-12:30: Ruby Henderson sees two men on 6th/ or Top floor. One dark (Mexican or Negro), and was wearing a white shirt. The other man was taller and lighter.

12:28: Richard Carr sees a heavy set man with glasses, tan sport coat in 2nd window from East corner, 6th floor.

12:29: Carolyn Walther sees two men with a rifle in 5th floor SE corner Window (one wearing brown suit coat).

12:29 Robert Edwards sees a white male in 6th floor SE corner window, light colored shirt, short sleeve, open neck, possibly thin.

12:29 Ronald Fischer sees man in 5th floor “right corner” window laying down. He could only see his head, light headed and open neck shirt, in his twenties (Fischer will later say it was the 6th floor and change the number of shots from 4 to 3).

12:29–12:30: Geneva Hines notes that the lights are out on her phone system as motorcade approaches TSBD.

12:30: Amos Euins sees Blackman with rifle in 6th floor SE corner window (later changed to white man). The man firing the rifle also has white shirt and bald spot on top of head.

12:30: Howard Brennan sees white man w white shirt and Rifle in 6th floor SE corner window,

12:30: Jack Dougherty is 10 feet west of West Elevator on 5th floor (within sight and sound of NW stairs); hears one shot.

12:30: Dillard Photo taken 3-15 seconds after shots shows Norman and Williams in SE 5th floor corner windows (and possibly Jarman in the 4th window from the SE corner). They say they run to West Window after shots.

12:30 According to Det. Will Fritz, Oswald said he was on the first floor at the time of the shooting and then went up to the second floor to get a coke.

12:30 “Prayer Man” is standing on TOP of the front stairs of the TSBD by the glass door. Frazier says he was also standing there and that William Shelley and Lovelady were on the STEPS below him.

12:31: Vicky Adams and Sandra Styles descend the NW rear stairs from the 4th floor to the 1st floor but do not see or hear anyone.

12:31: Otis Williams runs up NW stairway to 4th floor (sees no one) goes back to his 2nd floor office (?)

12:31: Officer Baker enters the TSBD front entrance, runs past “Prayer Man” and goes to back with Truly, who shouts twice to release elevator (no response). They see two white men by the elevators (probably Shelley and Lovelady according to Adams) 

12:31: Officer Barnett runs to guard back of TSBD (and Fire Escape on East Side).

12:31:30: Officer Baker and Roy Truly on 2nd floor by NW stairway; claim to see Oswald in lunch room.

12:32: HSCA analysis shows boxes in 6th floor window were rearranged within 2 minutes of shooting.

12:32–12:33 Mrs. Reid returns to her 2nd floor office. Oswald calmly walks by her with coke in hand. 27

12:32–12:33: Officer Baker sees white male on 3rd or 4th floor, 30 yrs old, 5’9, 165 lb, dark hair, light brown jacket. Manager vouches for the man and Baker lets him go. (Baker 11/22/63 affidavit)

12:33–12:34: Baker and Truly on 4th or 5th floor, spot East Elevator, but West elevator is missing, They take the East Elevator to the seventh floor and find nothing, return to the fourth floor where Baker reports to Inspector Sawyer, the senior Dallas Police Department officer in the building.

12:35: Baker and Truly are on the roof of TSBD

12:40–12:45: Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig hears a shrill whistle and sees a light green Nash Rambler Station Wagon stop by the TSBD. He then sees a white male run down the slope and get inside. He was 140-150 lbs, brown hair, in his 20’s, white T shirt. The driver of the vehicle was a husky Latin, dark wavy hair, tan windbreaker jacket. Craig runs over to report this to the Command Post in front of the TSBD entrance and encounters a SS Agent (“40 years old, sandy-haired with a distinct cleft in his chin. He was well-dressed in a gray business suit”).

12:45: Description of suspect broadcast by DPD: w/m, 30, 5’10, 165, 30-30 (Winchester Rifle on Channel 2).

1:22: Boone and Weitzman discover rifle they identify as a 7.65 Mauser, concealed between boxes on the 6th floor.

1:22 Truly tells DPD Capt. Lumpkin that one of his men (Oswald) is missing. Lumpkin confers privately with two or three other senior DPD officers and then escorts Truly up to the Sixth Floor where they interrupt Capt. Fritz examining the rifle. Lumpkin tells Fritz that Truly has something important to tell. Truly tells Fritz about the missing employee and gives Fritz Oswald’s address at Mrs. Paine’s home in Irving. Fritz walks across the street to Sheriff Decker’s office and they confer privately. Fritz returns to his DPD office where Oswald is under arrest for the Tippit shooting.

Did Baker and Truly encounter Oswald on the 2nd floor?

Related Posts Indicating that Oswald was Doorman

JFK: Oswald on the Top Level; Lovelady on the Steps 2 JFK: Judyth Baker’s analysis of the shirt proves Oswald is Doorman 3 JFK: To Believe Oswald was NOT standing in front of the TSBD you must believe  4 JFK: Oswald was “Out with Bill Shelley in Front” 5  JFK: Oswald in the Doorway – an Opinion Survey 6- Evidence Oswald was on the first floor minutes before the shooting


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