Category Archives: JFK

Proof that Oswald was Doorman: Testimony of Billy Lovelady and Buell Frazier

Richard Charnin
Dec.3, 2017

Reclaiming Science:The JFK Conspiracy
JFK Blog Posts
JFK Calc Spreadsheet Database

Billy Lovelady and Buell Frazier both testified that Lovelady was standing on the STEPS at the Texas School Book Depository. But Doorman (Oswald) was standing on the TOP level. Therefore Lovelady could not be Doorman. Q.E.D.

Mr. LOVELADY – That’s on the second floor; so, I started going to the domino room where I generally went in to set down and eat and nobody was there and I happened to look on the outside and Mr. Shelley was standing outside with Miss Sarah Stanton, I believe her name is, and I said, “Well, I’ll go out there and talk with them, sit down and eat my lunch out there, set on the STEPS, so I went out there”.
Mr. BALL – You ate your lunch on the STEPS? (Ball is perplexed)
Mr. BALL – Who was with you?
Mr. LOVELADY – Bill Shelley and Sarah Stanton, and right BEHIND ME me… (did Ball cut him off?)
Mr. BALL – What was that last name?
Mr. LOVELADY – Stanton.
Mr. BALL – What is the first name?
Mr. LOVELADY – Bill Shelley.
Mr. BALL – And Stanton’s first name?
Mr. LOVELADY – Miss Sarah Stanton.
Mr. BALL – Did you stay on the STEPS? (was Ball trying to get Lovelady to say he was on the TOP level?)
Mr. LOVELADY – Yes. (BNL said he stayed on the STEPS)
Mr. BALL – Were you there when the President’s motorcade went by?
Mr. LOVELADY – Right. (Once again, Lovelady does not change his location – he stayed on the STEPS).

Frazier testified that Lovelady was standing two or three STEPS BELOW him.

Mr. BALL – We have got a picture taken the day of the parade and it shows the President’s car going by. Now, take a look at that picture. Can you see your picture any place there?
Mr. FRAZIER – No, sir; I don’t, because I was back up in this more or less black area here.
Mr. BALL – I see.
Mr. FRAZIER – Because Billy, like I say, is TWO or THREE STEPS down in FRONT of me. (why would he say this if it were not true?)
Mr. BALL – Do you recognize this fellow?
Mr. FRAZIER – That is Billy, that is Billy Lovelady.
Mr. BALL – Billy? (Ball must be concerned with Frazier’s answer. He does not want him to say Lovelady is on the STEPS, so he uses guile to twist the testimony).
Mr. FRAZIER – Right
Mr. BALL – Let’s take a marker and make an arrow down that way. That mark is Billy Lovelady?
Mr. FRAZIER – Right.
Mr. BALL – That is where you told us you were standing a moment ago.
Mr. FRAZIER – Right.
Mr. BALL – In FRONT of you to the right over to the wall?
Mr. FRAZIER – Yes. (Frazier once again says that Lovelady was standing BELOW him on the STEPS, but then UNWITTINGLY CONTRADICTS himself by pointing to Doorman who was on the TOP Level).
Mr. BALL – Is this a Commission exhibit?
We will make this a Commission Exhibit No. 369.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 369 for identification.)

MR. ALCOCK: Can you see the spot where you were situated when the presidential motorcade came by?
FRAZIER: Yes,sir, I can.
MR. ALCOCK: Will you take this symbol and place it at that location where you were standing?
MR. ALCOCK: Mr.Frazier, do you recall who you were with during the presidential motorcade?
FRAZIER: Yes, sir, I can. When I was standing there at the TOP of the stairs, I was standing there by a heavyset lady who worked up in our office, her name is Sara, I forget her last name, but she was standing right there BESIDE me when we watched the motorcade.
MR. ALCOCK: Do you recall anyone else who may have been with you?
FRAZIER: Right down in FRONT of me at the BOTTOM OF THE STEPS my foreman Bill Shelley and BILLY LOVELADY were standing there.

GERRY SPENCE: “You recall that 23 years later that BNL was standing in FRONT of you. About 4 STEPS in FRONT of you. Is that correct?”
FRAZIER: Yes it is..

Oswald was “out with Bill Shelley in front”; Lovelady was ”on the steps” in front of Frazier

Scientific Evidence Confirms the Testimony
Judyth Baker: Pixel Analysis

JFK: Judyth Baker Pixel Analysis of Altgens6 photo proves Oswald is Doorman

Larry Rivera: Photogrammetric and Overlay analysis

1 Comment

Posted by on December 3, 2017 in JFK


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Deaths of Dealey Plaza JFK Witnesses: A Probability Analysis

Richard Charnin
Oct. 30, 2017

 Reclaiming Science:The JFK Conspiracy.

JFK Blog Posts
JFK Calc Spreadsheet Database
Tables and Graphs

The 1977 House Select Committee on Assassination (HSCA) claimed that the London Sunday Times actuary’s probability calculation of 18 material witnesses deaths (13 unnatural) in the three years following the assassination (1 in 100,000 trillion) was invalid. The HSCA claimed that it was impossible to calculate the probability because the witness universe was unknown. This canard was essential to the cover-up. No one did the math until I confirmed the actuary’s calculation in 2003

But there were many definable witness groups. Consider the 24 unnatural deaths of the 692 estimated Dealey Plaza witnesses. The probability of 24 unnatural deaths during the period 1963-1978 is 

P= poisson(24, 2.56, false) = 8.08E-16= 1 in 1200 trillion.

Sixteen Dealey Plaza witnesses testified at the Warren Commission, 3 were sought to testify at the Garrison trial, 3 at the Church Senate hearings and 3 at the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA).

JFK witness unnatural death probabilities have been posted for the following groups: Warren Commission, London Times actuary, Garrison/ Shaw trial, Church Senate Hearings, HSCA, Simkin Educational Forum, JFK-related 1400+ witness “Who’s Who in the JFK Assassination”.

At least 20 Dealey Plaza witnesses were called to testify at W= Warren Commission, G=Garrison Trial, C= Church investigation, H= HSCA

Died yymm Witness W, G C, H Category
1 7402 J.A. Milteer C MINUTEMEN
2 7608 Johnny Roselli CH MAFIA
3 7805 David Morales H CIA ANTI-CASTRO
4 7703 Charles Nicoletti H MAFIA
5 6512 William Whaley W WITNESS TSBD
6 6608 Lee Bowers W WITNESS
7 6611 James Worrell W WITNESS TSBD
8 7502 Ira (Jack) Beers W MEDIA
9 7901 Billy Lovelady W WITNESS TSBD
10 7008 Bill Decker W POLICE
11 7501 Allen Sweatt W POLICE
12 6606 Frank Martin W POLICE
13 6701 Jack Ruby W MAFIA POLICE LHO
14 7109 Cliff Carter W LBJ
15 8403 Roy Kellerman W Secret Service
16 7707 Ken O’Donnell WC JFK
17 6901 Buddy Walthers WG POLICE
18 7509 Earl Cabell WG CIA
19 7505 Roger Craig WG POLICE
20 7801 Clint “Lummie” Lewis WH POLICE
21 7101 Mac Wallace  TSBD Shooter
22 7109 Roscoe White Shooter
23 7309 Thomas E. Davis RUBY CIA
24 6901 Charles Mentesana WITNESS TSBD
25 7604 James Chaney POLICE
26 6311 Lee Harvey Oswald RUBY FBI CIA
27 6311 J.D. Tippit RUBY POLICE
28 7001 Merriman Smith MEDIA

Dealey Plaza witnesses:

JFK Calc: A Spreadsheet Database of Mysterious Witness Deaths

JFK Assassination: A Probability Analysis of Warren Commission Witness Unnatural Deaths

JFK: A Closer Look at the Convenient Deaths of Warren Commission Witnesses

JFK Witness Deaths: Graphical Proof of a Conspiracy

JFK Witness Deaths: 7 FBI officials in 6 months in 1977 due to testify at the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA)

JFK Witnesses Called to Testify: Actual vs Expected Unnatural Deaths (1964-1978)

Quick JFK Witness death Calculator:


Posted by on October 30, 2017 in JFK, Uncategorized


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Proof that Oswald was standing in front of the Texas Schoolbook Depository when JFK was shot

Proof that Oswald was standing in front of the Texas Schoolbook Depository when JFK was shot

Richard Charnin
Sept. 27, 2017

Reclaiming-Science: The JFK Conspiracy
JFK Blog Posts

The evidence is overwhelming. Oswald never fired a shot.

The experts agree: Oswald was photographed standing at the doorway of the TSBD in the Altgens6 photo taken at the time of the shooting:

Carolyn Arnold was an eyewitness who was never interviewed by the Warren Commission. Here’s why:

Warren Commission, Garrison/Shaw trial and HSCA testimony from Lovelady and Frazier proves that Oswald was standing on the top floor entrance to the TSBD

Why is the evidence dismissed?

Timeline of events at Dealey Plaza

JFK: Timeline of events from 12:00-1:22pm

TSBD workers said Oswald always had his lunch in the first floor Domino room.  Further evidence that Oswald was on the first floor minutes before the shooting

JFK: Evidence Oswald was on the 1st floor minutes before the shooting

Prove to yourself that Oswald was in the Doorway. Take this survey.

JFK: Oswald in the Doorway – An Opinion Survey

Judyth Baker’s pixel analysis of the shirt proves Doorman is not Lovelady.

JFK: Judyth Baker Pixel Analysis of Altgens6 photo proves Oswald is Doorman

Larry Rivera – computer graphics analysis of facial features proves Oswald was Doorman

Oswald in the Doorway positively identified in Altgens6 photo using computer graphics techniques

If you believe Oswald was NOT standing in front of the TSBD, then you must believe all of the following…

To Believe Oswald was Not Standing in Front of the TSBD, You Must Believe that…

Check out Detective Fritz’s notes of his interview of Oswald/ They were not released until 1997. Oswald claimed that he was “out with Bill Shelley in front” at the time of thee shooting.

JFK Assassination: 20 questions, Fritz notes, Lovelady and Frazier testimony, Photo Forensics, 2 Rifles delivered to TSBD on Nov. 20, Officer Baker and Roy Truly altered testimony of LHO enounter

cover photo, Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and text

1 Comment

Posted by on September 27, 2017 in JFK


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Probability Analysis of Unlikely Historical Events

Richard Charnin

77 Billion to One: 2016 Election Fraud
Matrix of Deceit: Forcing Pre-election and Exit Polls to Match Fraudulent Vote Counts
Proving Election Fraud: Phantom Voters, Uncounted Votes and the National Poll

Did you ever view a discussion, much less a probability analysis of  these events in the mainstream media?

Conspiracy Theories and Mathematical probabilities

Conspiracy Theories and Mathematical Probabilities

Unnatural Deaths of at least 78 JFK-related witnesses from 1963-1978.

JFK Witness Deaths: Calculating the Probabilities

Seth Rich and other DNC/Wikileaks-related suspicious deaths

Probability Analysis: DNC, Wikileaks, Clinton Foundation suspicious deaths

Election Fraud: True Vote vs. Recorded

Election Fraud: An Introduction to Exit Poll Probability Analysis

Suspicious Deaths of 75 Bankers and 125 Scientists
Suspicious Deaths of 77 Holistic Doctors

Probability Analysis of Mysterious Deaths: 125 Scientists, 75 Bankers and 77 Holistic Doctors

Suspicious Deaths of 16 Microbiologists in 4 months

10 Terrorist Attacks and Concurrent Drills

Drills staged during Terror attacks: Coincidence or Conspiracy?

Cancer Deaths of 7 Latin American Leaders

Latin American Leaders and Cancer: A Probability Analysis

Mystery Deaths for various group size assumptions

No automatic alt text available.


Posted by on July 14, 2017 in JFK, Uncategorized


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Probability Analysis: DNC, Wikileaks, Clinton Foundation suspicious deaths

Richard Charnin
Updated: 11/9/19


There were at least 21 suspicious DNC/Wikileaks/Clinton Foundation related deaths in 28 months from April 2016 to Aug 2018.  Of the 21 deaths, 17 were reported unnatural (one accident, 5 suicides, 11 homicides) and 4 were from natural causes (2 heart attack, 2 cancer). This update calculates the probabilities based on 1) the weighted average mortality rate of  the 17 unnatural deaths and 2) the assumption that the 17 were all homicides.

Based on circumstantial evidence, it is highly likely that many of the  accidents, suicides and  natural deaths were actually homicides. The 4 reported natural deaths were not included in the calculations.

The  Poisson distribution function calculates the probability of rare events. Given unnatural death rate  R, the probability P of at least n deaths among a group of N individuals in T years is  P  = 1- poisson (n-1, E, true) where E=N*R*T.

This spreadsheet calculates the probability for any combination of N, n, R and T. Age-adjusted death rates were based on U.S. mortality/deaths by major causes

Assuming N=10,000  DNC/Wikileaks/Clinton Foundation related individuals, the probability of at least 17 homicides (R=0.00006) is 1 in 4.3 trillion (2.3E-13).                               
The probability of  1 accident, 5 suicides and 11 homicides (given the weighted unnatural rate R=0.00015) is 1 in 5.8 million. 

Sensitivity Matrix: Probabilities of n=8 to 17 homicides for N= 10,000-50,000 

n 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000
8 1.1E-04 8.1E-03 6.4E-02 2.0E-01 4.0E-01
11 2.8E-07 1.6E-04 4.1E-03 2.8E-02 9.9E-02
14 3.5E-10 1.6E-06 1.3E-04 2.0E-03 1.3E-02
17 2.3E-13 8.1E-09 2.2E-06 7.8E-05 9.6E-04
1 in 4.3 trillion 124 million 464,000 12,700 1,044


Suspicious deaths
5 Wikileaks: Jones, Ratner,  McFayden, Smith, Dolan
7 Clinton Foundation: Flynn, Petersen, Eberwein, Lorich, Sherman (2), Cincinelli
4 DNC: Seth Rich, Montano, Lucas, Whisenant
6 Other: Ashe, Thorn, Rago, Smolek, Mostyn, Moore

2016 (10)
4/18  John JonesAssange lawyer, run over by train. Suicide?
5/11: Michael Ratner, Wikileaks NY lawyer, cancer.
6/22  John Ashe, former UN official.  Initially reported as a heart attack,  the official story changed to his accidentally dropping a barbell on his throat. Ashe was about to begin trial for a bribery charge involving Chinese businessman Ng Lap Seng, who had been implicated in the 1996 “China-gate” scandal  Ashe was supposed to testify about Clinton’s links to Ng Lap Seng. Accident?
6/23: Mike Flynn,48, writing for  Breitbart News, died of a heart attack within hours after reporting on the Clinton Foundation China connection.

7/10  Seth Rich, DNC e-mail leaker to Wikileaks, shot twice in back, died in hospital.

7/25: Joe Montano, 47, Chairman of DNC,  heart attack,  right after the WikiLeaks email dump proving the DNC sabotaged Bernie Sanders and handed the nomination to Hillary Clinton. No history of heart problems.
8/01 Victor Thorn,  author of books on Clintons, gunshots. Suicide?
8/02  Shawn Lucas, DNC process server, lethal combination of drugs. Suicide?
Oct : Gavin McFayden (Wikileaks founder), cancer.
Nov:  Monica Petersen, investigating CF child trafficking, found dead in Haiti. Suicide?

2017 (9)
May: Peter Smith, GOP operative, found dead from asphyxiation in a Minnesota hotel room just days after talking to the Wall Street Journal about his efforts to obtain Hillary’s Clinton’s missing emails. Suicide?
Beranton Whisenant, prosecutor investigating DNC, found dead on Hollywood, FL beach. Suicide?
July: Klaus Eberwein, former Haiti Government official found dead in a motel room with a gunshot wound to the head. Was to testify on Clinton Foundation connection to Haitian earthquake charity. Suicide?
Joseph Rago, 34, WSJ reporter, asked Russians for info on Clinton,  Obama critic, found dead. Suicide?
Kurt Smolek, ties to PizzaGate and child trafficking ring in Cambodia, found dead in Potomac River. Suicide?
Nov: Steve Mostyn, 46, Texas-based trial lawyer,  member of George Soros-founded Democracy Alliance, major Democratic benefactor, died suddenly. Suicide?
Dec: Dr. Dean Lorich, surgeon, exposed Clinton Foundation corruption in Haiti, stabbed in chest. Suicide?
Barry and Honey Sherman. Originally declared a murder-suicide, investigators concluded it was a murder staged to look like a murder-suicide involving multiple perpetrators. Barry Sherman founded Apotex pharmaceutical company which supplied generic drugs to the Clinton foundation in Haiti and Rwanda. The Clinton Foundation was scandalized when it was discovered that AIDS drugs sent to the third world were watered-down.

Jan: James Dolan, 36, Wikileaks developer. Suicide ?
Aug: Jen Moore, journalist of Clinton sex crimes, found dead in a DC hotel. Suicide?

July: Salvatore Cincinelli, Supervisory FBI special agent who spearheaded many of the FBI’s high-profile and complex Wall Street investigations, including probing the finances of the Clinton Foundation. Reportedly shot and killed himself on a crowded night-club dance floor, according to top FBI insiders. Suicide?

How many DNC voter data admins were there? How many DNC process servers? How many HRC biographers? How many Assange lawyers? How many Wikileaks founders? How many UN officials preparing to testify? How many DNC officials? How many investigative reporters on the Clintons? Are any of these deaths being investigated? Any suspects?

 New Developments in the Seth Rich case             

Written By: Tracy Beanz

An amended complaint in a civil suit brings to light new information in the controversial death of DNC staffer Seth Rich

A newly filed amended complaint in a lawsuit brought against a litany of defendants, including Turner Broadcasting, Anderson Cooper and the NY Times, alleges that Ellen Ratner, a Fox News analyst and White House Correspondent for Talk Media News, met with Julian Assange in the Fall of 2016 and received information from Assange that Seth Rich and his brother Aaron were responsible for releasing the controversial DNC emails to Wikileaks for publication.

The lawsuit seeks damages for several claims, including defamation, business disparagement, malicious prosecution, and civil rights violations.

The amended complaint contains specific details of Butowsky’s interactions with Ratner. The complaint states the following: (RCH is abbreviated to mean “Russian Collusion Hoax”)

Mr. Butowsky stumbled into the RCH crosshairs after Ellen Ratner, a news analyst for Fox News and the White House correspondent for Talk Media News, contacted him in the Fall of 2016 about a meeting she had with Mr. Assange. Ms. Ratner’s brother, the late Michael Ratner, was an attorney who had represented Mr. Assange. According to Ms. Ratner, she made a stop in London during a return flight from Berlin, and she met with Mr. Assange for approximately six hours in the Ecuadorean embassy. Ms. Ratner said Mr. Assange told her that Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron, were responsible for releasing the DNC emails to Wikileaks. Ms. Ratner said Mr. Assange wanted the information relayed to Seth’s parents, as it might explain the motive for Seth’s murder. Upon her return to the United States, Ms. Ratner asked Mr. Butowsky to contact the Rich family and relay the information from Mr. Assange, apparently because Ms. Ratner did not want her involvement to be made public. In the two months that followed, Mr. Butowsky did not attempt to contact the Rich family, but he grew increasingly frustrated as the DNC and #Resistance “journalists” blamed the Russian government for the email leak. 

Exclusive=> Insider Ed Butowsky Talks More About the Seth Rich Case

Subpoenas issued for FBI, Crowdstrike and DNC :

NSA FOIA Response reveals Seth Rich & Assange/Wikileaks communications are Classified



In 1964-78, there were an estimated 1500 JFK-related material witnesses, of whom 122 died suspiciously. Seventy-eight(78) of the 122 were officially ruled unnatural. Of the 78, 34 were homicides, 24 accidents, 16 suicides and 4 unknown. The probability of 78 unnatural deaths:P= 2.7E-31 (1 in a million trillion trillion).

Just 12 accidents and 3 suicides were expected statistically, therefore approximately 60 of the 78 unnatural deaths were likely homicides.

Of the remaining 44 “natural” deaths (heart attacks, sudden cancers, other), approximately 25-30 were homicides based on the total number of expected deaths. Therefore, there were 85-90 homicides among the 122 suspicious deaths. For 10,000 witnesses, Probability P= 5.5E-47


Simkin JFK Index of 656 key individuals: 70 suspicious deaths
44 ruled unnatural (22 homicides, 11 accidents 11 suicides): P= 4.4E-41
Assuming 44 were homicides: P= 3.8E-66


Posted by on May 20, 2017 in 2016 election, JFK, Uncategorized


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JFK: Proving the Warren Commission was a Hoax and Oswald was framed

Richard Charnin
Aug. 15, 2016

Reclaiming-Science: The JFK Conspiracy

Online trolls who try to discredit my election fraud analysis say that I am a JFK Conspiracy nut. I must be doing something right. For those who are interested, this is a quick JFK conspiracy course.

It takes just ONE of the following to prove that the Warren Commission was a Hoax and Oswald was framed….

  1. One witness killed to prevent him or her from talking.
  2. One witness killed to keep others from talking.
  3. One bullet more than the three the WC claimed were fired.
  4. One brain of JFK to be missing.
  5. One eyewitness who definitely heard shots from the Grassy Knoll.
  6. One eyewitness who definitely saw a shooter at the Grassy Knoll.
  7. One person to order that Dallas police stand-down.
  8. One person with fake Secret Service credentials at the Grassy Knoll.
  9. One journalist to lie about JFK’s head movement.
  10. One government agency to withhold evidence from investigators.
  11. One person with the power to control the investigation.
  12. One photo of Oswald in front of the TSBD at 12:30 to be tampered with.
  13. One Zapruder frame to be switched or deleted to hide the limo full stop.
  14. One conspirator on his death bed (EH Hunt) to claim Johnson was responsible for the “Big Event”.
  15. One Parkland doctor describing entrance wounds in the neck and 5.5 inches below the collar in the back.
  16. One of 44 Parkland and autopsy witnesses describing a massive exit wound in the back of the skull.
  17. One fingerprint of LBJ hit man Mac Wallace on the TSBD 6th fl.
  18. One cop (Roger Craig) to identify a 7.65 Mauser on the 6th fl.
  19. One cop (Baker) seeing Oswald on the 2nd floor with a coke just 90 seconds after the shots were fired.
  20. One Oswald note to the Dallas FBI (Hosty) destroyed because it may have revealed a plot to kill JFK.
  21. One set of Dr. Humes original autopsy notes description of JFK’s wounds.
  22. One autopsy photo tampered with to hide JFK’s exit wound.
  23. One meeting on Nov. 21 in Dallas attended by Hoover, Johnson, Hunt, Murchison, Nixon, etc.
  24. One photo of Poppy Bush standing in front of the TSBD.
  25. One photo of Gen. Landsdale walking near the three tramps.
  26. One witness (Carolyn Arnold) claiming Oswald was on the first floor of the TSBD at 12:25pm.
  27. One WC member (Ford) to admit he raised the location of JFK’s back wound 5.5 inches.
  28. One HSCA chairman (Sprague) fired for wanting to subpoena the CIA.
  29. One HSCA chairman (Blakey) to admit a CIA cover up years later.
  30. One WC lawyer (Specter) forced to create the physically impossible Single Bullet Theory.
  31. One paraffin test to show that Oswald did not fire a rifle on Nov. 22.
  32. One mob-connected friend (Ruby) of the Dallas police to silence Oswald.
  33. One Dallas police chief (Fritz) to fail to record Oswald’s interrogation.
  34. One Sheriff (Craig) to hear that Tippit was shot at 1:06pm on the radio.
  35. One tampered photo of Oswald’s face superimposed on another body.
  36. One Johnson mistress to claim LBJ said JFK would be taken care of.
  37. One retired Police chief to say: “We don’t have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle, and never did. Nobody’s yet been able to put him in that building with a gun in his hand”.
  38. One eyewitness (Sylvia Odio) to testify that she and her sister identified  Oswald as one of three men who came to her Dallas home on Sept. 25 .
  39. One JFK limo with a bullet entry hole in the windshield.
  40. One Oswald girl friend (Judyth Baker) hired by leading cancer expert Dr. Alton Ochsner to document working with Oswald (“Me and Lee”) and David Ferrie (“David Ferrie”) in  New Orleans  on a secret project to kill Castro.


Posted by on August 15, 2016 in JFK


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Oswald in the Doorway positively identified in Altgens6 photo using computer graphics techniques

The man in the doorway identified
By Larry Rivera © 10/22/15

The man in the doorway in the Altgens6 photograph can now be positively identified using modern computer graphics techniques. The techniques used here can be completely and reliably reproduced using the materials and methods described herein.

Look inside the books: 
Reclaiming Science: The JFK Conspiracy 
Matrix of Deceit: Forcing Pre-election and Exit Polls to Match Fraudulent Vote Counts
Click on a graph or photo to view the source post:Election Model graphs and JFK images

1 Comment

Posted by on October 24, 2015 in JFK


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JFK Myths Exposed: Oswald as Doorman was “put to bed in 1978 and makes CTs look foolish”; Lovelady was Doorman because “it looks like him”

JFK Myths Exposed: Oswald as Doorman was “put to bed in 1978 and makes CTs look foolish”; Lovelady was Doorman because “it looks like him”

Richard Charnin
Oct.14, 2015

Look inside the books:
Reclaiming Science: The JFK Conspiracy
Matrix of Deceit: Forcing Pre-election and Exit Polls to Match Fraudulent Vote Counts

Regarding Oswald in the Doorway, a poster wrote: “This was put to bed in 1978 and is irrelevant except to make conspiracy people look foolish”.

Another poster commented: Lovelady was Doorman because “it looks like him”. I asked him to prove it but he kept repeating “it looks like him”. I showed him links to my posts which provide powerful evidence that Oswald was Doorman. It was like debating a wall, but it is instructive to see how disinformationists and trolls operate. Show them proof and they just ignore it – and keep repeating their nonsensical one-liners. View the thread here:

This was my reply to the first poster.
It was also decided by the HSCA in 1978 that the Mafia did it, and that the CIA and FBI were not involved, and that Oswald was a shooter in the TSBD, and that it was just a coincidence that the other shooter was independent of Oswald, and there was no definable witness universe and therefore it was impossible to calculate witness death probabilities, and that the London Times actuary was wrong and that…

the Oswald backyard photos were not fakes, and Oswald shot Tippit and shot at Walker, and that Oswald was a lone nut, not a CIA asset or FBI informer, and that Hoover, LBJ and the Warren Commission were honest in their search for the truth, and that the Zapruder film was not altered, and the magic bullet theory was credible, and that Clay Shaw was not CIA, and that just 4 bullets were fired based on acoustics and that…

THE MAJORITY OF DEALEY PLAZA WITNESSES  STATED THAT THE SHOTS CAME FROM THE TSBD, and that the CIA  did not have to respond to a subpoena from HSCA investigator Richard Sprague, and that’s why they hired Blakey who would not investigate the CIA and who stated that the mob did it, and that there was no coverup, and that the photos of JFK head wounds were not altered and that…THE WC SINGLE BULLET THEORY MADE SENSE…and that OSWALD WAS NOT IN THE DOORWAY…



According to the poster’s logic, anyone who does not believe the above must be a CT and looks foolish. Such twisted logic from one who is not a Lone Nutter.  Lone Nutters believe the impossible SBT and that Oswald was on the 6th floor shooting JFK and cannot be Doorman, and that he outdid Superman by hiding the rifle and  ran down four flights to the lunchroom in a little over a minute,  and that he was not seen by Victoria Adams (the girl on the stairs).

Strangely, posters who are not Lone Nutters also believe that Oswald was confronted by Roy Truly and Officer Baker drinking a coke on the 2nd floor – and he was not out of breath. But Baker and Truly did not mention seeing Oswald in their original testimony in which they reported seeing someone on the third or fourth floor who did not resemble Oswald. That was easy.

1 Comment

Posted by on October 14, 2015 in JFK


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Philip Stahl: Exposing JFK Media Propagandists and Warren Commission apologists

Richard Charnin
Sept. 14, 2015

JFK Blog Posts
Twitter Chronological Links
Look inside the book:Reclaiming Science:The JFK Conspiracy

Philip Stahl: Exposing JFK Media Propagandists and Warren Commission apologists

Stahl is a prolific Astronomer, Physicist and JFK researcher who has written many Physics texts and The JFK Assassination: Final Analysis. The following posts on his blog illustrate the extent to which the media will go in covering up the truth about the JFK assassination.

I sent Stahl this link: Debunking Scott Aaronson’s “Twenty Reasons to Believe Oswald Acted Alone”

JFK: Debunking Scott Aaronson’s “Twenty Reasons to Believe Oswald Acted Alone”

Stahl responded with this set of devastating articles which closed the book on Aaronson:

JFK Forum Lone Nutters
Reviewed my book>

John McAdams

Rachel Maddow (MSNBC): In this video Maddow lies about Lee Oswald and the Mannlicher Carcano.

The Beltway Crowd: Bob Woodward vs. Oliver Stone

Gerald Posner and Vince Bugliosi:

Vince Bugliosi

Bill O’Reilly

Bob Schieffer: CBS

Time Magazine

Stanley Kutner, Bill Maher, Tom Brokaw


Stephen King

Jill Abramson: NY Times

Philip Shenon: NY Times

Steve Kornacki: MSNBC

Michael Smerconish

Larry Sabato: Univ. of Virginia

Glenn Garvin: Miami Herald

Marilyn Elias: Southern Poverty Law Center

The “Skeptics Society”

1 Comment

Posted by on September 13, 2015 in JFK


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Michael T. Griffith: Evidence of Alteration in the Zapruder film

Michael T. Griffith: Evidence of Alteration in the Zapruder film

Richard Charnin
June 19, 2015

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The following is a summary of Griffith’s key points in his 1997 essay.


What follows are some of the indications that the Zapruder film has been altered. By “altered” I mean that certain frames have been removed and that others are composites. Why was the film altered? To remove episodes and images that clearly showed there were more than three shots (at least one from the front) and therefore that there were multiple gunmen involved in the shooting.

The Limo Stop
* Numerous witnesses, over 40, including the escort patrolmen to the rear of the limousine, said the limousine stopped or slowed down drastically for a second or two. This event is not seen in the Zapruder film; in fact, the limousine never comes close to performing this action in the current film.

Impossible timings
* In Z353-356 we see Malcolm Summers diving to the ground. Summers is to the right of James Altgens. In Z353 Summers’ left leg is extended most of the way out. But, in the very next frame, Z354, amazingly, the foreleg is bent markedly backward. Can anyone flex their foreleg to that degree so quickly? In 1/18th of a second?

* Another seemingly impossible action in the Zapruder film is the extremely rapid and precise movement of Charles Brehm’s son in Z277-287. In Z277 Brehm junior is standing behind his father. Then, from Z277-287, or in just over half a second, he bolts out from behind his father and comes to stand beside him, clapping his hands no less.

JFK reaction
* Several witnesses said Kennedy was knocked visibly forward by a shot to the head, and Dan Rather reported seeing this event when he viewed the film the day after the shooting. No such motion of the head is now visible in the film, only the split-second forward movement from Z312-313, which no one could have noticed.

* Former FBI official and J. Edgar Hoover aide Cartha DeLoach recently provided further evidence of alteration in the Zapruder film (albeit unintentionally and unknowingly, I’m sure). DeLoach recalls in his book HOOVER’S FBI that he watched the Zapruder film at FBI HQ the day after the shooting and that he saw Kennedy “PITCHING SUDDENLY FORWARD” in the film. No such motion, of course, is seen in the current film.

* Special Agent George Hickey, riding in the follow-up car, said the final shot made Kennedy “fall forward and to his left.”

* William Newman, who was standing on the Elm Street sidewalk right in front of the grassy knoll and who had one of the best views of the shooting, tried to tell New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison that JFK was knocked forward and to the left as if struck by a baseball bat, but Garrison wouldn’t believe him because the event wasn’t in the film.

I believe the above is good evidence that the original Zapruder film showed Kennedy being knocked rapidly forward. How do defenders of the film’s authenticity explain this testimony?

The head snap
*The violent, dramatic backward head snap in Z313-323, which for so many years was thought to be concrete proof of a shot from the front, actually constitutes further evidence of alteration. It has been established that no bullet striking the front of the skull could have caused the backward head snap. However, no bullet striking from behind could have caused this motion either. Warren Commission supporters have put forth two theories to explain how a bullet striking from behind might have caused the head snap, the jet-effect theory and the neuromuscular-reaction theory. Both theories are untenable.

So if neither a bullet from the front nor a bullet from behind could have caused the head snap, what caused it? So how can we explain it? Dr. David Mantik, who holds a doctorate in physics, suggests that what we now see as the head snap was originally a much slower motion and was actually the action of Jackie lifting her husband back up to look at him.

Visual anomalies
* Seemingly impossible inconsistencies occur in the streaking of background figures in relation to the camera’s movement. Mathematician Daryll Weatherly’s vector analysis of image streaking constitutes powerful evidence of alteration in the Zapruder film.

* A white spot on the grass behind the limousine is seen to behave in an unnatural manner. When the spot’s width is measured in relation to the camera’s tracking, the spot should be at its smallest when the image is at the left edge of the frame. But it doesn’t do this. On some occasions, the spot’s width is two to three times what it should be.

* The head turn of the driver, William Greer, from Z315-317 is too fast–it seems to be well beyond human capability. His head turns about 165 degrees in six frames, or in only 1/3rd of a second.

Blood and brain splatter to the left rear
* At least four witnesses saw blood and brain from Kennedy’s skull blow out toward the rear of the limousine. Blood and brain splattered onto the left side of the follow-up car’s windshield and onto the driver’s arm. A considerable amount of blood and brain also splattered onto the two patrolmen who were riding to the limousine’s left rear. At least one of those witnesses specified that the brain matter blew out from the back of the skull, and dozens of witnesses, including doctors and nurses, saw a large hole in the right rear part of President Kennedy’s head. In the Zapruder film no blood or brain is seen to spray backward. (It cannot be said that the right frontal explosion of blood and brain, which is itself suspect, caused all the blood splattering. In the Zapruder film the right-frontal spray blows mainly forward, and also up and toward the camera, and quickly dissipates–in fact it dissipates in no more than three frames. This effusion of spray could not have caused all of the blood splattering that occurred.)

Right-rear head exit wound
*Kinney’s description of a large, blown-out right-rear exit wound matches the reports given by numerous Parkland doctors and nurses and by several witnesses at the autopsy. Also, his account of particulate matter exploding out the back of the skull and landing on his windshield and left arm agrees with Patrolman Bobby Hargis’s report that the head shot sent blood and brain flying toward him so fast that when it struck him he initially thought he himself had been hit and that the debris got all over his motorcycle and uniform (in an interview he gave a few years ago, Hargis described the head shot as an “explosion”). Hargis, of course, was riding to the left rear of the limousine.

*Another example is the account of surveyor Chester Breneman, who was allowed to study enlargements of Zapruder frames to aid him in determining locations and distances. Breneman insisted that on some of the frames he saw a blob of blood and brain blow out from the back of Kennedy’s head. No such event is visible on the current film. (As mentioned, some witnesses in the plaza likewise saw blood and brain blown backward.)

One frame right-frontal explosion
* The bloody spray from the right-frontal explosion that is seen in the film blows upward, forward, and also toward the camera, and is really clearly visible for only one frame, and dissipates in two to three frames–or in no more than 1/6th of a second. Yet, in films of two ballistics tests the resulting spray is visible for multiple frames. In other words, the right-frontal effusion in the Zapruder film seems to disappear too quickly, with unnatural speed.

More anomalies
* There is a “remarkably symmetric” plus sign at the center of Elm Street in Z028 (Z28). This might have been used as a register mark for aligning the film when it was being copied by those who altered the film.

* There are magnification anomalies in the film for which there appears to be no credible natural or innocent explanation. One clear example of this is the measured width between the two posts on the back side of the Stemmons Freeway sign from Z312-318. This distance increases by over 12 percent in only six frames. Yet, from Z191-207 the interval remains constant.

Location of start of film
*Abraham Zapruder told CBS News that he began filming as soon as the President’s limousine turned onto Elm Street from Houston Street, as one would logically expect him to have done. But the present Zapruder film begins with the limousine already on Elm Street at Z133. On the day after the assassination, Dan Rather of CBS News watched what was quite possibly an earlier version of the film. Rather reported that in the film he watched that day the limousine “made a turn, a left turn, off Houston Street onto Elm Street.” Again, no such event is now seen in the film.

Why forge the rapid head snap?
Before I conclude, I would like to address two questions that have been raised by those who deny alteration: Why would the forgers, who were presumably trying to conceal or remove evidence of multiple gunmen and of shots from the front, produce an altered film that included the rapid backward head snap seen in the current film? And, why would the forgers have produced a film that contained indications of more than three shots? My answer to both of these objections is twofold:

One, they do not explain the evidence of alteration. If there is scientific proof of alteration, then these philosophical objections must be rejected.

Two, I do not believe the forgers were at all satisfied with the results of their tampering. I think they had to create the backward head snap because they had to remove images that were even more unacceptable and problematic.

We must keep in mind that the Zapruder film was suppressed from public view for over a decade. In short, I believe the forgers concluded that even after all of their editing the film was still unacceptable, and that this is why the film was suppressed for so long.

Extensive editing
A strong case can now be made for extensive editing of the Zapruder film. In fact, the conclusion seems inescapable–the film was deliberately altered. No other explanation is in the same league, in terms of explanatory power, for the myriad of anomalous characteristics that are seen everywhere in this case. Many frames were excised, some individual frames were extensively altered, others were changed only enough to fill in for missing frames, and others were left alone. . . .

Too many anomalies to dismiss
Even if some of the apparent technical anomalies in the Zapruder film can be explained, strong indications of tampering would still remain. To put it another way, if opponents of alteration are able to explain the absence of background streaking in certain frames, the magnification anomalies, the odd behavior of the white spot, and other seeming difficulties, would this establish the film’s authenticity? No.
Do we dismiss..
1-the witnesses who reported the limousine stopped or slowed drastically?
2-the witnesses who saw blood and brain blown visibly to the rear?
3-the fact that the backward head snap is physically impossible according to everything we know about physics and the human body?
4-the fact that Zapruder said he filmed the motorcade from the time it turned onto Elm Street?
5-the fact that Brehm’s son is positioned behind his father one moment but half a second later is standing calmly clapping at his side?
6-the fact that the 12/5/63 Secret Service survey placed the last shot at Z358 and that this placement matches the testimony of Emmett Hudson and James Altgens regarding the explosive head shot?

The numerous indications of alteration in the Zapruder film naturally raise some disturbing questions. The answer to the question of why the film was altered is fairly apparent–to conceal obvious evidence of a frontal shot, of multiple gunmen, and of more than three hits. But, who performed the alteration? Whoever they were, they were very well connected (so as to gain access to the film) and had at their disposal considerable technical expertise. It would seem self-evident that those who altered the Zapruder film were either working with or following orders from the men who were responsible for the assassination of President Kennedy.

Doug Horne (Chief ARRB Analyst for Military Records)

The following post contains a link to an essay by Doug Horne  and to a video on the Z-film chain of custody.

JFK Assassination: Mathematical Proof that the Zapruder film was Altered

Horne interviews Dino Brugioni (a photo interpretation expert) who viewed the original Zapruder film on the weekend following the assassination.
Horne writes:
“As discussed earlier in this paper, Dino Brugioni opined during his July 9, 2011 interview with the author that the head explosion seen today in the extant Zapruder film is markedly different from what he saw on 11/23/63, when he worked with what he is certain was the camera-original film. The head explosion he recalls was much bigger than the one seen today in frame 313 of the extant film (going “three or four feet into the air”); was a “white cloud” that did not exhibit any of the pink or red color seen in frame 313 today; and was of such a duration that he is quite sure that in the film he viewed in 1963, there were many more frames than just one graphically depicting the fatal head shot on the film he viewed in 1963. Mr. Brugioni cannot, and does not, accept frame 313 of the extant Zapruder film as an accurate or complete representation of the fatal head shot he saw in the camera-original Zapruder film on the Saturday evening following President Kennedy’s assassination”.


Posted by on June 19, 2015 in JFK


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