Last Train to Yuma: The Arizona 2016 Democratic Primary

24 Mar

Last Train to Yuma: The Arizona 2016 Democratic Primary

Richard Charnin
March 24, 2016
Updated: March 28, 2016

Arizona 2016 is the latest poster child of election fraud,  along with Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004.

Sanders won Utah (a bordering state)and Idaho primaries with nearly 80% of the vote. But he lost in Arizona by 60-38%. Who believes it?

The  National Exit Pool of six major media conglomerates funds exit pollster Edison Research. The NEP decided not to poll AZ.  It’s as if they knew they would have to match the unadjusted poll to a bogus recorded vote; the massive discrepancies would be too obvious. 

But  the networks called it for Hillary  with less than 1% of the votes in. How did they know this if they did not exit poll?

Luckily the Yavapai County Daily Courier did an exit poll – and Bernie led by 63-37%. Hillary won  the county by 54-43%- an impossible 37% difference in margin. But the evidence of fraud goes  much further than this one poll.

These are the primaries  that have been exit polled:

Primary Sanders Vote Sanders Exit Poll Difference Probability of  Diff
OK 55.5% 50.9% -4.6% 0.1%
VT 86.3% 86.5% 0.2% 45.8%
NC 42.8% 43.7% 0.9% 27.6%
MO 49.9% 51.9% 2.0% 9.8%
FL 34.1% 36.0% 2.0% 9.6%
IL 49.1% 51.2% 2.0% 9.2%
VA 35.4% 37.4% 2.0% 9.3%
MI 50.8% 52.1% 1.3% 20.5%
AR 31.0% 33.3% 2.3% 6.4%
MA 49.3% 52.1% 2.8% 3.3%
TN 32.9% 35.5% 2.6% 4.5%
TX 33.7% 37.9% 4.2% 0.3%
OH 43.1% 48.1% 5.0% 0.1%
MS 16.6% 21.3% 4.7% 0.1%
GA 28.3% 33.8% 5.5% 0.0%
AL 19.8% 25.9% 6.1% 0.0%
AZ (Yavapai Cty) 37.% 63.0% 36.0% 0.0%

Approximately 70% of voters were turned away because they were registered independents – and Bernie has won a solid majority of them.

John Brakey is an AZ election activist who has proven fraud. Brakey developed a spreadsheet   on the primary.  Sanders had 60% in the precincts, but Clinton had 60% in  Vote by Mail (VBM) which comprised nearly 80% of the total vote.

Pima County (Tucson) 
Hillary led VBM by 59.9-38.2%.  But Sanders led the precinct vote by 59.1-39.6% at 11:20. There were 98,303 VBM but just 25,697 precinct votes.The voting machines used were ES&S (Optiscan); Premier Accuvote (Optiscan)

Maricopa County (Phoenix) 
At 8pm HRC led VBM  by  61.5-36.1% of 114,286 votes.Sanders led the 32,959 precinct votes by 60.3-38.8%. The voting machines used were the AVC Edge (DRE); Optech Insight (Optiscan); Optech 400C (Optiscan).

Voters had to stand stand on line to vote and are angry that the primary has been called for Hillary Clinton. The majority of Bernie Sanders’ voters have not been allowed to vote.  Approximately 1.3  million voters who reportedly would have voted for Sanders were disenfranchised.  

The Arizona Republic reported that Maricopa County reduced the number of polling places from more than 200 in the 2012 presidential election to 60. Arizona law effectively disenfranchises 36 percent of registered voters.

Registered Democrats who had voted in primaries before were told that they were not on the Democratic voting lists .  Others who switched their party were told they were not on the list – but could vote on a provisional ballot.

The fraudsters apparent goal: suppress voting on election day and rely on Clinton’s large lead among early voters to secure a win by reducing the number of polling locations.

At 2:45 AM ET, Sanders was leading Clinton in Election Day voting in Arizona 50.2% to 49.8%, with just under 75,000 votes (about 17.3% of all Election Day votes) counted.

The media called the election for Clinton with less than 1% of the vote counted and thousands of people  waiting in line to vote. Four hours after polling stations closed, hundreds of people were still waiting in line:  37% (1.219 million) of registered voters declared as independents; 34% (1.115 million) as Republicans; and 28% (932,722) as Democrats. Sanders has won a vast majority of independents in every state.

Bomb threats prevented many voters from getting the help they needed: Two hours after polls closed in Arizona, officials there had counted only 54,000 of the estimated 431,000 (12% of Election Day ballots.

Sanders has done much better in caucuses than in primaries.  He has won just 4 of 21 primaries with a 41% share but has won 11 of 12 caucuses with a 66% share. There is a 97.8% probability that the difference was not due to chance.View the graph.

The Utah primary: This is what a fair election looks like:  Note the parallel lines representing Sanders and Clinton vote shares.

UT Vote shares vs. Precinct Size

MO Vote shares vs. Precinct Size

Matrix of Deceit: Forcing Pre-election and Exit Polls to Match Fraudulent Vote Counts
Proving Election Fraud: Phantom Voters, Uncounted Votes and the National Exit Poll (E-book)

Election Fraud Overview



Posted by on March 24, 2016 in 2016 election, Uncategorized


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23 responses to “Last Train to Yuma: The Arizona 2016 Democratic Primary

  1. Angelo

    March 24, 2016 at 10:14 am

    Reblogged this on deinvestiture.

  2. Bill C

    March 24, 2016 at 10:37 am

    How did they call it so early for Hillary? Well, the fact that more than 70% of the votes were done via early voting probably had a lot to do with that.

    • Craig

      March 25, 2016 at 1:17 am

      Those ballots get counted last……..nice try, troll.

  3. Victoria

    March 24, 2016 at 10:58 am

    Sent to Democracy Now, Glenn Greenwald & the Sanders Campaign. May The Force be with you, brother Richard.

  4. Tye

    March 24, 2016 at 12:24 pm

    Can you please post your sources for where you got these % and numbers. This election was outrageous and we need to build a solid case to fight this. In order to do so, we’ll need reliable sources. Thank you in advance!

  5. Bev

    March 24, 2016 at 12:44 pm

    Arizonan’s Maricopa County, population 1,250,000, had 60 voting locations. The next highest county, Pima, with 300,000 had 130 locations
    [Arizona Republic
    Arizona primary: Maricopa County had one polling site for every 21,000 voters ]. That sure looks like voter suppression to me.

    “Maricopa County election officials writing off voters? You bet”
    [Arizona Republic ]. “[I]t is no coincidence many poor and predominantly Latino areas didn’t get a polling place. [Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell] and her staff figured few of them vote anyway. She just decided to discount them. Really.”

    Phoenix Mayor Calls for Department of Justice Investigation into Maricopa County Disproportionately Reducing Polling Stations in Minority Neighborhoods
    Posted on March 23, 2016 by Yves Smith

    As the lawyers say, res ipsa loquitur. I hope you circulate this widely. From martha r:

    Given the yuge amount of open fraud, theft of democracy, something preemptive has to occur. Perhaps someone in New York (and the equivalent in other states still to vote) could contact Preet Bharara to set up real, better exit polling as a way to stop fraud before it occurs, or to get rid of voting machines owned by abusive criminals:

    MI Primary: Bernie did much better than the recorded share indicates

    In comments:

    Still Evil after All These Years: The Franklin Scandal and Pedophilia in High Places
    By Charles M. Young Posted by Dave Lindorff

    The Omaha World-Herald was the foremost local cheerleader for persecuting teenagers instead of investigating their claims. One of its own columnists, Peter Citron, had a long history of arrests for pedophilia and child porn and was implicated by two witnesses at Larry King’s sex parties. The long-time publisher of the World-Herald, Harold Anderson, was a big supporter of Larry King and had raised money for the Franklin. During the 18 years that King presided over the Franklin, the newspaper never noticed that King was living a hugely expensive lifestyle when he was supposedly making $17,000 a year in salary. The World-Herald Company is co-owner of Election Software and Systems (also known as ES & S and associated with Diebold and more), which counts half the election ballots in the United States.

    Sibel Edmonds kickstarter campaign NEWSBUD is to report on politicians subject to blackmail for their crimes against children resulting in crimes against the state, such as convicted criminal former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, third in line of power.

    All Politicians, perhaps those who are not being blackmailed though especially you should turn whistleblower, should be calling for the removal of all these abusive machines, now during these primaries to make a real difference to our future, our kids, our democracy.

    Preet Bharara: One of the world’s top complex crime prosecutors
    NEW YORK – Recognized worldwide for his prowess in fighting 21st-Century crime, New York-based Preetinder Singh “Preet” Bharara has launched a Complex Frauds Unit, successfully prosecuting numerous political corruption cases. His office is prosecuting the recent Malcolm Smith election fraud case, demonstrating a complex web of bribes paid in connection with Democratic politician Malcolm Smith, to Republican Party officials with the intent to obtain for Smith the Republican spot on the ballot in an election for New York City Mayor.1

    Under Bharara, a number of prosecutions have succeeded in the areas of election fraud, corruption, Wall Street malfeasance, money laundering, and computer hacking; he also successfully prosecuted members of the Gambino crime family.2 Among Bharara’s high profile cases: liquidation and victim restitution for the billion-dollar Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme.3

    Preet Bharara
    United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York

    Preetinder Singh “Preet” Bharara (born 1968) is an American attorney and the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.[1] Earning a reputation of a “Crusader” prosecutor,[2][3] his office has prosecuted diplomats[4][5] and people in other countries.[6] He prosecuted nearly 100 Wall Street executives,[7] reached historic settlements and fines with the four largest banks in the US,[8][9][10] and closed multi billion dollar hedge funds.[11][12] He brought down many City and State politici?ans, including the Speaker of the New York State Assembly, Sheldon Silver and the Majority Leader of State Senate, Dean Skelos, and at one time he threatened to prosecute the governor’s office.[13]

    Perhaps Bernie Sanders is trying to do what Barack Obama did by increasing voter turnout enough to overwhelm the built in manipulation of these machines. Richard, how much did Obama have to over win to overcome Hillary’s 2008 fraud? How much more fraud is Bernie’s growing voter base going to have to overcome in order to duplicate an Obama win with 50% plus how much?
    Bernie Sanders slams Arizona primary “disgrace”

    Another lesson, Independents must check to see if they must change their voting registration to Democratic beforehand in order to vote for Bernie Sanders.

    Voting by mail has always been more vulnerable to the days available for manipulation. However, it does leave a paper ballot evidence which, if unaltered, could be the basis for a recount…now.
    American elections ranked worst among Western democracies. Here’s why.

    Hillary claims in debates to have done good work on behalf of children with Marian Wright Edelman. Edelman says no.

    Hillary Clinton often boasts about helping children, but she betrayed them as First Lady
    Ben Norton

    The problem with Clinton’s claims, however, is that she betrayed children as First Lady. Under the guise of welfare reform, the Clinton administration worked with Republicans to gut social services, ignoring their own senior officials’ warnings that, by doing so, they would be plunging over a million children into poverty.

    Bill Clinton ran in 1992 on the campaign promise to “end welfare as we know it.” In 1996, he — with the wholehearted support of Hillary — succeeded, passing the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWORA). PRWORA was based on legislation first proposed by Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. The act was opposed by the left-wing of the Democratic Party, but the Clinton administration joined hands with Republicans and conservative Democrats to push it through.

    As part of PRWORA, the Clinton administration axed the Aid to Families with Dependent Children federal assistance program, which had been created 61 years before by the Social Security Act, in the New Deal. They replaced it with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which was drastically weaker and — as the name stresses — temporary.

    Hillary, as First Lady, advocated strongly for the restructuring of welfare. Her former co-workers at CDF, on the other hand, were infuriated. CDF founder and President Marian Wright Edelman declared that President Clinton’s “signature on this pernicious bill makes a mockery of his pledge not to hurt children.”

    • Jaime garfield

      June 2, 2016 at 11:41 pm

      After a full year devoted to helping elect Bernie president, I just don’t know how continue to say to people that I will vote for the Democratic nomininee.
      And how about that coup in Honduras that Clinton probably helped enable, or at the very least, convinced Obama to quit calling a coup.oh and so many horrors.

      • Don Deppeller

        June 3, 2016 at 8:50 pm

        @ Jaime garfield…..Don’t worry, many if not most of Bernie’s supporters, the ones who research sites like this, won’t be voting for “the Democratic nominee” (if by that you mean the Establishment puppet Hillary). It’s no longer about party, it’s about a belief system, and Bernie is the truest Democrat in this race. I suggest keeping abreast of the #BernieOrBust movement on Twitter; if we can’t write in Bernie’s name in the general election, we can either go with the Johnson/Weld Libertarian ticket, or Jill Stein with the Green ticket (and she’s already offered Bernie a place on the ticket – maybe even the top of that ticket), or even [horror of horrors!] vote for Trump just to keep Hillary out of the Ofal Office. Hillary needs to be charged and imprisoned for her crimes of corruption, for stealing the Destiny of the Nation with this election fraud, and for how she knowingly helped mislead this country down the path of war multiple times when there was no excuse [none the public would respect if all the facts were known]. She’s a DINO – Democrat In Name Only, so voting for Trump [who said of the GOP “this is NOT the Conservative Party”] won’t be hard to do if it would result in such a thief being prevented from realizing her megalomaniacal goal.

  6. Jessica Robinson

    March 24, 2016 at 1:11 pm

    If there is a protest in the works or any community action, myself and others want to take part. Please contact me
    Thank you for an excellent and relevant article.

  7. Bev

    March 24, 2016 at 2:38 pm

    Arizonan’s Maricopa County, population 1,250,000, had 60 voting locations. The next highest county, Pima, with 300,000 had 130 locations
    [Arizona Republic
    Arizona primary: Maricopa County had one polling site for every 21,000 voters ]. That sure looks like voter suppression to me.

    “Maricopa County election officials writing off voters? You bet”
    [Arizona Republic ]. “[I]t is no coincidence many poor and predominantly Latino areas didn’t get a polling place. [Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell] and her staff figured few of them vote anyway. She just decided to discount them. Really.”

    Phoenix Mayor Calls for Department of Justice Investigation into Maricopa County Disproportionately Reducing Polling Stations in Minority Neighborhoods
    Posted on March 23, 2016 by Yves Smith

    As the lawyers say, res ipsa loquitur. I hope you circulate this widely. From martha r:

    Those mail in votes should be hand counted now.

  8. Bruce Sargent

    March 24, 2016 at 6:21 pm

    Nice work once again Richard….I am looking forward to the day that I will hear this again in a court of law…

  9. TK

    March 24, 2016 at 7:00 pm

    Hi Richard, you cover very important issues and I thank you for this. Just wanted to point out that you’ll probably want to rephrase “Hillary’s goal”, it sounds like she personally is orchestrating this, while in reality, she is just their candidate of choice.

  10. Jerry "Peacemaker"

    March 24, 2016 at 7:09 pm

    The late Joe Purcell (1923-1987) was Arkansas’s Lieutenant Governor from 1975-81, during the time Bill Clinton was the state’s governor. Joe Purcell was married to Helen (Hale) Purcell. Helen Purcell as Recorder of Maricopa County in Arizona was responsible for reducing the number of polling places in the state’s most highly-populated county from over 200 to 60, resulting in hours-long waiting in lines for Arizonans wishing to exercise their democratic rights.

    Depending on Hillary Clinton’s response to suspicions raised by this personal history, it might be premature to discount the Sanders campaign’s chances for winning the Democratic nomination. Hillary Clinton has a moral obligation to tell the American people if there was or wasn’t a behind closed doors (think Goldman Sachs speeches) agreement between her and Helen Purcell to suppress the vote in Arizona. Her response may well determine the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

    • Hart Johnson

      March 25, 2016 at 9:57 am

      I think this is a name coincidence. The county recorder has been a Phoenix resident since 1964 and was elected in 1988. Much as I’d like a nice clean connection, I can’t see the geography lining up or a person running for an election for the first time in a totally different location in the year after a governor husband dies.

      • Jerry "Peacemaker"

        March 25, 2016 at 7:25 pm

        1) Can’t find any pictures of Lt Gov Joe Purcell (1923-1987) with his wife Helen, 2) a YouTube friend from Arizona called Maricopa County and was told Ms. Purcell has never been married, then 3) find an article (Arizona Capitol Times) portion at the following link from 2007 where AZ’s Purcell is described as having two children (same as Arkansas Helen) and four grandchildren (one more than the three attributed to Lt Gov Joe Purcell on his Wikipedia page), then, about her husband Joe – who passed away a number of years ago.

        I left a message today at the Arkansas Lieutenant Governor’s office asking them to issue a press release to clarify this crazily coincidental story (or non-story). In three years of blogging at WordPress, I’ve never seen such an extraordinarily odd story. Guess it’ll all come out…

      • Jerry "Peacemaker"

        March 27, 2016 at 4:37 am

        Arizona Helen Purcell was married to the late Joe R. Purcell, who was city attorney for Phoenix – and not the widow of the late Arkansas Lt. Governor Joe Purcell. Two different Helen Purcells, two different Joe Purcells… It indeed is a name coincidence, and an amazing one at that. My apology.

  11. Don Deppeller

    March 24, 2016 at 9:48 pm

    Thank you ever so much Richard for this invaluable work. It helps assuage the sense of despair that millions feel when they think they must be delusional. Now we know we’re NOT, that there IS a concerted effort to defraud the will of the people, by elitists determined at all costs to saddle Hillary up as their horse-of-choice. Sadly for the cause, many of us will swing towards Trump (unless Jesse Ventura gets in, as he says he will if Hillary steals it from Bernie as she’s been doing) – because the one thing Trump isn’t and that’s an Establishment puppet.

    Word has it that the 2016 presidential election won’t be held in November anyway, but that’s a story for another time and place.

    BTW, I’ve been tweeting far and wide links to your articles here that lay out the statistical analysis of the ongoing fraud.

  12. JamesB

    March 25, 2016 at 1:04 am

    Just happened upon your page and have found it very informative. Not quite sure I follow all the statistics but I get the gist of the matter. My question is: what can be done about this? And in particular how do keep the election from being stolen from Senator Sanders who clearly seems to be the most electable.

  13. Former Dem

    March 25, 2016 at 3:21 am

    Blah Blah Blah….more twisted garbage.

    Voter fraud exist…we know this because several Democrats have gone to prison in recent years for voter fraud…so what’s your point? All your data is a joke, you take numbers and twist them to fit your agenda. There was no stolen election in 2000 or 2004 or Wisky. Don’t bother replying because I won’t read anymore of your dung.

    • Richard Charnin

      March 25, 2016 at 3:53 am

      Oh, but I will reply, not to you but for all the rational readers of my bog.
      Your screed is so pathetic readers should know where the real problem lies.
      No stolen election in 2000 and 2004?
      So long, troll.

  14. Natacha Sochat

    March 25, 2016 at 5:56 am

    I am so grateful for your story. The regular national media that used to function as the Fourth Estate in terms of defending democracy no longer exists except as a propaganda entertainment complex shamelessly presenting themselves as news/journalists but being nothing more than parroting commentators with controlled agendas

    • Bev

      March 28, 2016 at 4:02 pm

      First, now maybe more should follow:

      Morning Joe Blasts the DNC for ‘Rigging’ Primary Against Bernie Sanders (VIDEO)
      Nathan Wellman | March 28, 2016

      Morning Joe may have just broken Bernie’s mainstream media blackout.

      Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski spoke at length in an unbroken 14-minute segment today about Sanders, calling his rise to prominence an “incredible story,” which prompted Mika to ask the penultimate question that Sanders supporters have been pushing for months:
      “What’s the story we’re missing here?” she said. “I feel like every day we’re missing the Bernie Sanders story.”

      “I think what’s interesting is that despite the sort of rigged process,” Mika said. “Despite how the DNC has handled this — and we all know how — Bernie Sanders keeps exceeding expectations. Seemingly out of nowhere. This guy is an incredible story. Donald Trump, that makes sense, at least to me it makes sense, he’s a celebrity. Who was Bernie Sanders before this? He’s a cause. That’s cool.”

  15. Audra Hendrix

    March 25, 2016 at 10:07 am

    I think a look at how likely it is to have this many voter suppression and suspicious outcomes in one primary season, would be very enlightening indeed.


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